Charcoal Fried Hokkien Mee Malaysia 火炭炒福建面马来西亚

Label (in Chinese Language)

Friday 26 September 2014

Thursday 25 September 2014

Historical and World Heritage City of Fujian 福建之古城与世界文化遗产



Fujian Province has 4 World Heritage Cultural City: Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and Changting and UNESCO World Heritage - Wuyishan and Fujian Tulou. 



漳州 Zhangzhou

长汀 Changting

武夷山 Wuyishan

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Origin of Fujian 福建之名来源



The Origin of Fujian

We write this essay because found that many Hokkienese do not know about the origin of the name of "Fujian". The name of Fujian actually came from the combination of Fuzhou and Jianzhou (a former name for Jian'ou) two cities in Fujian, during the Tang dynasty.

Most of Fujian is administered by the People's Republic of China. However, the archipelagos of Kinmen and Matsu are under the control of the Republic of China. Thus, there are two provinces (in the sense of government organizations): the Fujian Province administered by the People's Republic of China and the Fujian Province of the Republic of China.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Hokkien 福建


Fujian, formerly known as Fukien or Foukien, is a province on the southeast coast of mainland China. The coast of Fujian is twists and turns. and there are numerous islands around Fujian. In the history, Fujian is the starting point of the Silk Road of Shanghai, also the offshore commerce distribution center.

Friday 19 September 2014

Hokkienese Food 福建人籍贯美食福建面





Hokkien Mee is origin from the Southeast of China Hokkien Province, following the Hokkienese Ancestor come to Southeast Asia due to the war, nowadays Hokkien Mee could be found in many Southeast Asia country (Hokkien Mee Malaysia and Hokkien Mee Singapore).

Hokkien Mee is made of thick yellow mee coupled with lard, dark soy sauce, sliced pork, cabbage and using the method of frying.

Nowadays, it's not easy to find traditional Hokkien Mee (with lard) due to the changes of taste. 

The visitors can find Hokkien Mee in most of the stall or restaurant in Klang Valley.

Charcoal Fried Hokkien Mee 火炭炒福建面 !

Thursday 18 September 2014

Taiwan Loh Bak 台湾卤肉




也欢迎来尝试 《PJ火炭炒福建面》为你精心炮制的台湾卤肉, 配饭吃别有一番风味哟!

In Taiwan, Loh Bak Rice is a common food and recipe. It’s special on its sauce and gravy. The method of making and features are different in South Taiwan, Central of Taiwan and North Taiwan.

There are variety of food in Taiwan, one of the most famous food is Loh Bak Rice, and only Taiwanse know how to make Loh Bak Rice with unique flavor.

Welcome to try the Taiwan Loh Bak with Rice of PJ Charcoal Fried Hokkien Mee's stall too !

Taiwan Loh Bak 台湾卤肉 !

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Salted Fish Meat 咸鱼肉饼


也欢迎来尝试 《PJ火炭炒福建面》为你精心炮制的咸鱼肉饼!

Salted Fish Meat is the recipe of Guangdong Province, Salted Fish refers to the salted fish made of Stingray. Nowadays the price of Stingray is high, therefore most of the Salted Fish has been replaced by Salmonidae which are rich of DHA and EPA, and able to provide the benefit of prevent heart disease and blood vessel disease.

Welcome to try the Salted Fish Meat of PJ Charcoal Fried Hokkien Mee's stall too !

Salted Fish Meat 咸鱼肉饼 !